A Vision for Partnership –
Not Division

Extreme partisanship is harming our state. Typical politicians aren’t listening, and they haven’t gotten us where we need to be. Erin believes politics should be different. She believes in honesty, listening and service – not just scheming to get re-elected.

The last few years, she’s spent a lot of time at the state Capitol urging politicians to do the right things for our kids and our communities by funding our schools and supporting our families.

Most issues transcend party lines, such as improving education, growing our economy, and ensuring access healthcare. Erin is ready to find common sense solutions that do the most good.


Public Schools

Every student deserves an excellent neighborhood school with caring classroom teachers. We must ensure that schools have the resources they need to educate each child. 

Right now, dangerous politicians like Ryan Walters are standing in the way. Unlike my opponent, I will hold Walters accountable for his self-dealing and misuse of Oklahoma taxpayers. It’s critical that we work together to stop the mass exodus of teachers from our classrooms and protect the local control of our school districts.

Transparency in Government

As a taxpayer, you deserve a government that’s not only transparent and accountable but also free from corruption. I am committed to ensuring that your hard-earned money is used wisely, and I will fight to hold corrupt politicians like Ryan Walters accountable for their failures.

I’m a proven problem-solver and will bring a data-driven approach to government spending—making sure that every decision benefits our community. From improving our schools and healthcare to investing in infrastructure, I’ll prioritize what matters most while ensuring transparency every step of the way.


For many retirees in our community, rising healthcare costs and living expenses are serious concerns. I know this personally—my own parents live here, and I’ve seen how difficult it can be to navigate a complicated healthcare system. That’s why I’m focused on policies that will simplify healthcare billing, address the nursing shortage, and lower prescription drug prices so our seniors can access the care they deserve.

But healthcare is more than just costs—it’s about the right to make personal decisions. Unlike my opponent, who supports a near total ban on abortion without exemptions for rape or incest, I believe women should have agency over their own bodies. Women should be trusted to make healthcare decisions in consultation with their families and their doctors, not politicians.


As a small business owner, I understand that local businesses are vital to our communities. To thrive, we need healthy, skilled employees who find opportunity in a diverse economy that works for all Oklahomans.

Our state is powered by key industries like oil and gas, aerospace, agriculture, technology and manufacturing. My real-life experience as an entrepreneur will inform my approach to supporting these industries — working to streamline regulations while also ensuring we build the skilled and professional workforce our companies need. 

It’s time to incentivize Oklahoma-based companies to expand here. At the same time, we must approach our investments in public schools and universities, healthcare, infrastructure, and housing as economic drivers that allow existing companies to grow and attract new corporate ventures.


I believe in a balanced, pragmatic approach to immigration that addresses the needs of our community while upholding our values. We must secure our borders and ensure the integrity of our immigration system, but we also need to recognize the contributions immigrants make to our economy and communities.

At the state level, I will ensure law enforcement has the resources to crack down on human and drug trafficking. We must keep our communities safe while acknowledging the local businesses that rely on legal immigration to meet their workforce needs.

As we harness economic opportunity and demand justice for illegal activities, we can send a clear message: Oklahoma is open to those who abide by the law.

Working Together

I believe that the greatest challenges we face as a state can only be solved when we listen to one another, build trust, and work together on common-sense solutions. In my own family, we navigate important conversations with respect—my husband Shawn and my parents are Republicans, and we know firsthand how productive, respectful dialogue can bring us closer together. I know that the same approach can work at the State Capitol.

Oklahomans lose when typical politicians choose party allegiances over what’s best for our state. I’m committed to working across the aisle to deliver real results for our communities, because it’s not about being a Democrat or Republican—it’s about doing what’s right for Oklahoma.